The story begins generations ago...
Giuseppe “Joe” Federico Sr. came here from Italy and sailed straight into the Bronx. He soon met his wife Anna Federico, who also sailed in from the old country. Together they had three boys and moved to Albany N.Y. The boys; Francesco “Franco”, Vincenzo “Jimmy”, and Giuseppe “Joey” Federico, all took after their father not only in looks but also in passion for the barbering industry. All three now collectively own six barber shops in the capital region, thanks to Joe. He taught them all the techniques of the trade, and how to run and operate a successful business as he owned and operated several successful shops in the capital district throughout his lifetime. Giuseppe “Joey” the youngest of the three boys, is the current owner of The Barber Parlor. He has been a licensed barber since 2005. ​
Once a month, Joey and his team meet to go over how things are going and what they can do to better service their guests. At these meetings, Joey always reminds his staff of the three most important things he has learned from his father:
Number one: Always be a good person at heart, everyone deserves a chance.
Number two: Never talk about race, religion or politics in the barber shop.
Number three: No matter what the circumstances there is always a reason to smile!
Everything Joey does is driven by his love for family, not only his family at home that includes his wife and their two boys but also his barber shop family. Clients to him are family, and should be treated as such. "Owning a barber shop will give you a huge network because you cut people all day long from all different walks of life, and every single one of them matters" he says. "I just want to live and eat off the land, treat everyone I meet like family and keep my money circulating with the people who spend theirs with me!”
The Barber Parlor is a place where everyone can feel at home. We can guarantee you will not only get the cut or style you're looking for, but that you will genuinely enjoy your time in the shop as well.
Stop by and see what we mean!